Sunday, January 9, 2011

Meowing In My Sleep

I was awoken this morning by nothing short of divine intervention.

Although I'll admit that at first it felt like divine irritation. After passing out around 2 am, I woke up with a wave of nausea at precisely 5:17am. A night of buddies and polynesian drinks will do that to you. I tossed and turned, drank my glass of water, and continued to toss and turn. My mind was racing (with what, who knows). My teeth were clenched and grinding (a pressing problem these days). In spite of feeling the comfortable warmth of my bed, and the surrounding windstorm that is my two fans, with my toes feeling about the very soft flannel sheets, sleep would somehow evade me for another couple of hours. And then, about an hour into the ordeal, something wonderful happened.

Adam meowed in his sleep.

It's really quite impressive to hear someone make noises unrelated to sleep while fast asleep. Snoring is one thing. Wheezing and whistling noises are another. Now I always thought that to hear someone speak the language of humans while at sleep was an entertaining as it could possibly get. Wait till you hear someone meow, because that my friends, is hilarious. So when he did it twice, I knew it to be a sign. And thusly, meowinginmysleep was born.

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