Monday, February 7, 2011

My (so-called) fancy life!

   In case anyone was wondering (or cares) I'm kind of currently in the throws of the best week ever!

As some of you probably know, I was kind of having a bit of a mental breakdown this fall. You might even recall in my last blog 25DaysTillXmas that I had turned myself into a nervous wreck. I was on edge, my confidence was at an all time low and I was generally feeling very pathetic about myself. Not having a job blows. It completely demoralized me.

But now, every day for the past 2 weeks and a day, I've been going to work while feeling all fancy in my fancy shoes, and generally loving life. (Problem is, the feeling might be fleeting. Having been hired as a temp, I'm painfully aware that I might not get hired for the full time position. So I need everyone to send me some positive energy my way. Thats all I'm going to say about it for now.)

But enough about that, I'm having the best week ever! An awesome friend of mine wanted me to feel fancy for a weekend, so she invited me to come have an awesome weekend with her a few weeks ago after probably being tired of hearing me complaining all the time about how sucky my life was. And so it all started on Saturday.....When I found myself at the spa.

The spa is somewhere that I never thought I would be.  Certainly not last fall, or really ever in my life. I take a stubborn, sort of ridiculous pride in being fairly non girly.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not a total tom boy by any stretch and I've gone through phases of girly to non girly. But currently (or at least up until Saturday) I was kinda like whatever about seriously pampering myself. I mean, I can pull off wearing a dress and stuff and not look like a total train wreck, unless you add a pair of high heels to the equation. I'm just not one of those girls that really gets into doing girly shit. Don't ask me to go get a mani/pedi with you. I won't even really want to go shopping with you. I've never had my eye brows waxed. I don't go to see rom-coms. I hate martinis. I almost never wear bright pretty colors. My friend once told me that my make-up bag looked like an old man's bowling ball bag. I've never subjected myself to a full episode of Sex and The City.  I drink beers much faster than the average dude.  I have never been one to walk around with a brush in my purse, and I often barely remember to keep the other essential girl items in my purse, which is pathetic and absolutely never works in my favor. Ever.  But this weekend was really something else for me. It was like I personally broke down a wall. Because you know what? The spa is totally for chicks. And now I know that its totally for me. (No offense to any dudes who like to spa, I say more power to you, maybe we could spa together some day. I'm just saying, the spa is some girly shit).

And since doing this whole spa thing, I'm like totally feeling more in touch with my girly side. I even painted my toe nails a corally pink color last night, after taking off the steel gray polish I had on before. (why would I want steel grey toe nails? Because it screams utilitarian! My toes are like a machine that do things, not an appendage for girlish decor! Before that they were green, for GI Joe.) I really got into my make-up this morning, and even wore a dress to work.

And now, before you, I feel like a changed woman. I spent part of my afternoon yesterday researching my next spa treatments, fantasizing back to 30 hours before when I was feeling all gooey and shit. And it got me thinking, not enough people know how awesome the spa is.

And because I love me a 'top whatever' lists of everything and anything, I'm going to give you one.

Top five most best things about spa-ing.

First off, I was lucky enough to get this as a treat, so I was spared the scary bad feelings about spending money I don't have on stuff I don't need, because that shit is expensive.  Do yourself a favor, before you book your spa day, go steal your moms purse. Commit check fraud of steal someones credit card. Sell your body and/or belongings and sandwiches on the street before hand. Raise some cash people, because this stuff ain't cheap, but its sooooo worth it.  My friend told me before going that she was excited to see me discover the new thing that I was going to be saving all my money for. Now that I'm writing this I'm realizing this is not a top five best thing at all, but it just needs to be known, this stuff is pricey.  This was probably a bad way to start a top five best things about spa-ing list. Fail.

This shit is expensive, which means its guaranteed.
Whats better than something thats guaranteed?  Something that I've learned, particularly from my very particular mother, is that if something sucks, and you paid for it, you better start bitching about it, loudly. You better make it known that you are pissed. That you will not accept that room in the back of the hotel that is sort of over looking trash cans.  That you will not accept the table that is kind of in a spot where theres a draft, even if you are the only one that can detect it.  You don't care if the hotel room you already have is already cold, and that its not even summer and therefore not actually hot out, the AC ain't working, I want a new room!
  In this one experience at the spa, I can hopefully make a sweeping generalization and deduce that anything that your going to spend that much money on is going to be pretty awesome, at least at the spa.  Think about all the things that you spend money on that isn't very awesome.  The cheap bottle of wine that ended up sucking. Your crappy prepaid phone that you thought was a good idea cause it costs a fraction of what phones should actually cost. Toilet paper from the dollar store. That set of knives that you spent $9.99 on.  Your dishwasher from IKEA (what are you, retarded or something?) Your PC, because you were too lame and 'practical' to buy a Mac. Just saying. Those things suck.
  The spa is nothing like these things. Spend away! You'll be guaranteed happiness!

It's like your entering a totally different world, where everyone cares about YOU, and ONLY YOU! Sometimes it's just nice to know that someone cares. A perfect stranger in fact, who is really, really, REALLY concerned with how you are feeling that day. This almost never happens in the real world, because even those customer service people, that act like they really care, I mean do they really care? Really? They probably don't. But this weekend, Carmen and Cassandra like really cared about me. They made me so happy. And in return I cared about them. A little.
  At the spa you are introduced to strangers that just want to make you happy. They will customize everything about the next hour for you. Why? Because they are getting paid to.  But you don't think about that in the moment. Trust me, you don't. You think they're your new best friends. You think in the moment that afterwards, you're going to have a meaningful relationship with this person that just rubbed your ass for 90 minutes. Except that you know deep down inside that you wont, and that in fact you don't have to care, and you don't even have to reciprocate, which is sometimes just nice(although you should tip, don't be a dick).  I'm so the kind of person that wants to show appreciation by doing something. Here you just hand over some cash and say smell you later. That relationship is over, and it was great while it lasted.

They give you robes to wear! And flip flops!
At least this place did. For a quick moment I believed I was going to get to keep them, like they just give this stuff away as a complimentary gift to this whole experience, and then I came to my senses. Still, even so, for almost 3 hours I got to walk around an establishment that was not my house, completely naked under a robe. Cause yes, I went into this new experience without my underwear. It was awesome. And its like totally normal. You don't feel awkward at all.

They had a little dispenser with M&M's in it. You didn't need quarters. They provided little cups.  I was in heaven.

So sometimes you're lucky and life picks up for a while. In two days I head out to Boulder, Colorado. Really can't complain right now. My face feels all smooth still. I'm still kind of drooling.

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